RAII機制(資源獲取即初始化,Resource Acquisition Is Initialization),在使用資源的類的構造函數中申請資源,然後使用,最後在析構函數中釋放資源。
#include <boost/smart_ptr.hpp>
//using namespace boost;
template<class T> class scoped_ptr // noncopyable{
T * px;
scoped_ptr(scoped_ptr const &);
scoped_ptr & operator=(scoped_ptr const &);
typedef scoped_ptr<T> this_type;
void operator==( scoped_ptr const& ) const;
void operator!=( scoped_ptr const& ) const;
typedef T element_type;
explicit scoped_ptr( T * p = 0 ): px( p ) // never throws{
boost::sp_scalar_constructor_hook( px );
explicit scoped_ptr( std::auto_ptr<T> p ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT : px( p.release() ){
boost::sp_scalar_constructor_hook( px );
~scoped_ptr() // never throws {
boost::sp_scalar_destructor_hook( px );
boost::checked_delete( px );
void reset(T * p = 0) // never throws{
BOOST_ASSERT( p == 0 || p != px ); // catch self-reset errors
T & operator*() const // never throws {
BOOST_ASSERT( px != 0 );
return *px;
T * operator->() const // never throws{
BOOST_ASSERT( px != 0 );
return px;
T * get() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT{
return px;
#include <boost/smart_ptr/detail/operator_bool.hpp>
void swap(scoped_ptr & b) BOOST_NOEXCEPT{
T * tmp = b.px;
b.px = px;
px = tmp;
scoped_array很像scoped_ptr,它包裝的是new []和delete []操作。
template<class T> class scoped_array // noncopyable{
T * px;
scoped_array(scoped_array const &);
scoped_array & operator=(scoped_array const &);
typedef scoped_array<T> this_type;
void operator==( scoped_array const& ) const;
void operator!=( scoped_array const& ) const;
typedef T element_type;
explicit scoped_array( T * p = 0 ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT : px( p ) {
boost::sp_array_constructor_hook( px );
~scoped_array() // never throws {
boost::sp_array_destructor_hook( px );
boost::checked_array_delete( px );
void reset(T * p = 0) // never throws (but has a BOOST_ASSERT in it, so not marked with BOOST_NOEXCEPT) {
BOOST_ASSERT( p == 0 || p != px ); // catch self-reset errors
T & operator[](std::ptrdiff_t i) const // never throws (but has a BOOST_ASSERT in it, so not marked with BOOST_NOEXCEPT) {
BOOST_ASSERT( px != 0 );
BOOST_ASSERT( i >= 0 );
return px[i];
T * get() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT{
return px;
#include <boost/smart_ptr/detail/operator_bool.hpp>
void swap(scoped_array & b) BOOST_NOEXCEPT{
T * tmp = b.px;
b.px = px;
px = tmp;
•構造函數接收的是new []的結果
template<class T> class shared_ptr{
typedef shared_ptr<T> this_type;
typedef typename boost::detail::sp_element< T >::type element_type;
shared_ptr() BOOST_NOEXCEPT : px( 0 ), pn() {}
template<class Y> explicit shared_ptr( Y * p ): px( p ), pn() // Y must be complete
{boost::detail::sp_pointer_construct( this, p, pn );}
template<class Y, class D> shared_ptr( Y * p, D d ): px( p ), pn( p, d )
{boost::detail::sp_deleter_construct( this, p );}
// As above, but with allocator. A's copy constructor shall not throw.
template<class Y, class D, class A> shared_ptr( Y * p, D d, A a ): px( p ), pn( p, d, a )
{ boost::detail::sp_deleter_construct( this, p );}
template<class Y>
explicit shared_ptr( weak_ptr<Y> const & r ): pn( r.pn ) // may throw{
boost::detail::sp_assert_convertible< Y, T >();
// it is now safe to copy r.px, as pn(r.pn) did not throw
px = r.px;
template<class Y>
shared_ptr( weak_ptr<Y> const & r, boost::detail::sp_nothrow_tag )
BOOST_NOEXCEPT : px( 0 ), pn( r.pn, boost::detail::sp_nothrow_tag()){
if( !pn.empty() ){
px = r.px;
template<class Y>
shared_ptr( shared_ptr<Y> const & r )
BOOST_NOEXCEPT : px( r.px ), pn( r.pn )
{boost::detail::sp_assert_convertible< Y, T >();}
template< class Y >
shared_ptr( shared_ptr<Y> const & r, element_type * p ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT : px( p ), pn( r.pn ) {}
template< class Y, class D >
shared_ptr( boost::movelib::unique_ptr< Y, D > r ): px( r.get() ), pn(){
boost::detail::sp_assert_convertible< Y, T >();
typename boost::movelib::unique_ptr< Y, D >::pointer tmp = r.get();
pn = boost::detail::shared_count( r );
boost::detail::sp_deleter_construct( this, tmp );
shared_ptr & operator=( shared_ptr const & r ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
{ this_type(r).swap(*this); return *this; }
template<class Y, class D>
shared_ptr & operator=( boost::movelib::unique_ptr<Y, D> r ) {
boost::detail::sp_assert_convertible< Y, T >();
typename boost::movelib::unique_ptr< Y, D >::pointer p = r.get();
shared_ptr tmp;
tmp.px = p;
tmp.pn = boost::detail::shared_count( r );
boost::detail::sp_deleter_construct( &tmp, p );
tmp.swap( *this );
return *this;
void reset() BOOST_NOEXCEPT // never throws in 1.30+
template<class Y> void reset( Y * p ) // Y must be complete {
BOOST_ASSERT( p == 0 || p != px ); // catch self-reset errors
this_type( p ).swap( *this );
template<class Y, class D> void reset( Y * p, D d )
{ this_type( p, d ).swap( *this ); }
template<class Y, class D, class A> void reset( Y * p, D d, A a )
{this_type( p, d, a ).swap( *this );}
template<class Y> void reset( shared_ptr<Y> const & r, element_type * p )
{ this_type( r, p ).swap( *this );}
// never throws (but has a BOOST_ASSERT in it, so not marked with BOOST_NOEXCEPT)
typename boost::detail::sp_array_access< T >::type operator[] ( std::ptrdiff_t i ) const{
BOOST_ASSERT( px != 0 );
BOOST_ASSERT( i >= 0 && ( i < boost::detail::sp_extent< T >::value || boost::detail::sp_extent< T >::value == 0 ) );
return static_cast< typename boost::detail::sp_array_access< T >::type >( px[ i ] );
element_type * get() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
{return px;}
// implicit conversion to "bool"
#include <boost/smart_ptr/detail/operator_bool.hpp>
bool unique() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
{ return pn.unique();}
long use_count() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
{return pn.use_count();}
void swap( shared_ptr & other ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
{std::swap(px, other.px); pn.swap(other.pn);}
template<class Y> friend class shared_ptr;
template<class Y> friend class weak_ptr;
element_type * px; // contained pointer
boost::detail::shared_count pn; // reference counter
不能使用static_cast<T *>(sp.get())這種形式將shared_ptr管理的指針進行顯示轉換,而shared_ptr也提供了static_pointer_cast<T>()、const_pointer_cast<T>()和dynamic_pointer_cast<T>()幾個對應的成員函數。另外應使用unique(),不適用use_count()==1的形式。
#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
template< class T, class... Args > typename boost::detail::sp_if_not_array< T >::type make_shared( Args && ... args )
boost::shared_ptr< T > pt( static_cast< T* >( 0 ), BOOST_SP_MSD( T ) );
boost::detail::sp_ms_deleter< T > * pd = static_cast<boost::detail::sp_ms_deleter< T > *>( pt._internal_get_untyped_deleter() );
void * pv = pd->address();
::new( pv ) T( boost::detail::sp_forward<Args>( args )... );
T * pt2 = static_cast< T* >( pv );
boost::detail::sp_enable_shared_from_this( &pt, pt2, pt2 );
return boost::shared_ptr< T >( pt, pt2 );
weak_ptr是為配合shared_ptr而引入的一種智能指針,不具有普通指針的行為,它沒有重載operator *和->操作符。用於觀測share_ptr中所管理的資源的使用情況。
template<class T> class weak_ptr
// Borland 5.5.1 specific workarounds
typedef weak_ptr<T> this_type;
typedef typename boost::detail::sp_element< T >::type element_type;
weak_ptr() BOOST_NOEXCEPT : px(0), pn() // never throws in 1.30+{}
// generated copy constructor, assignment, destructor are fine...
// ... except in C++0x, move disables the implicit copy
weak_ptr( weak_ptr const & r ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT : px( r.px ), pn( r.pn ){}
weak_ptr & operator=( weak_ptr const & r ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT{
px = r.px;
pn = r.pn;
return *this;
template<class Y>
weak_ptr( weak_ptr<Y> const & r, typename boost::detail::sp_enable_if_convertible<Y,T>::type = boost::detail::sp_empty() )
weak_ptr( weak_ptr<Y> const & r )
BOOST_NOEXCEPT : px(r.lock().get()), pn(r.pn){ boost::detail::sp_assert_convertible< Y, T >(); }
template<class Y>
weak_ptr( weak_ptr<Y> && r, typename boost::detail::sp_enable_if_convertible<Y,T>::type = boost::detail::sp_empty() )
weak_ptr( weak_ptr<Y> && r )
BOOST_NOEXCEPT : px( r.lock().get() ), pn( static_cast< boost::detail::weak_count && >( r.pn ) ){
boost::detail::sp_assert_convertible< Y, T >();
r.px = 0;
// for better efficiency in the T == Y case
weak_ptr( weak_ptr && r )
BOOST_NOEXCEPT : px( r.px ), pn( static_cast< boost::detail::weak_count && >( r.pn ) ){ r.px = 0; }
// for better efficiency in the T == Y case
weak_ptr & operator=( weak_ptr && r ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT{
this_type( static_cast< weak_ptr && >( r ) ).swap( *this );
return *this;
template<class Y>
weak_ptr( shared_ptr<Y> const & r, typename boost::detail::sp_enable_if_convertible<Y,T>::type = boost::detail::sp_empty() )
weak_ptr( shared_ptr<Y> const & r )
BOOST_NOEXCEPT : px( r.px ), pn( r.pn ){
boost::detail::sp_assert_convertible< Y, T >();
#if !defined(BOOST_MSVC) || (BOOST_MSVC >= 1300)
template<class Y>
weak_ptr & operator=( weak_ptr<Y> const & r ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT{
boost::detail::sp_assert_convertible< Y, T >();
px = r.lock().get();
pn = r.pn;
return *this;
template<class Y>
weak_ptr & operator=( weak_ptr<Y> && r ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT{
this_type( static_cast< weak_ptr<Y> && >( r ) ).swap( *this );
return *this;
template<class Y>
weak_ptr & operator=( shared_ptr<Y> const & r ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT{
boost::detail::sp_assert_convertible< Y, T >();
px = r.px;
pn = r.pn;
return *this;
shared_ptr<T> lock() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT{
return shared_ptr<T>( *this, boost::detail::sp_nothrow_tag() );
long use_count() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT{ return pn.use_count(); }
bool expired() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT{ return pn.use_count() == 0; }
bool _empty() const // extension, not in std::weak_ptr{ return pn.empty(); }
void reset() BOOST_NOEXCEPT // never throws in 1.30+{ this_type().swap(*this); }
void swap(this_type & other) BOOST_NOEXCEPT{
std::swap(px, other.px);
template<typename Y>
void _internal_aliasing_assign(weak_ptr<Y> const & r, element_type * px2){ px = px2; pn = r.pn; }
template<class Y> bool owner_before( weak_ptr<Y> const & rhs ) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT{ return pn < rhs.pn; }
template<class Y> bool owner_before( shared_ptr<Y> const & rhs ) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT{ return pn < rhs.pn; }
// Tasteless as this may seem, making all members public allows member templates
// to work in the absence of member template friends. (Matthew Langston)
template<class Y> friend class weak_ptr;
template<class Y> friend class shared_ptr;
element_type * px; // contained pointer
boost::detail::weak_count pn; // reference counter
}; // weak_ptr
template<class T> class enable_shared_from_this{
enable_shared_from_this() BOOST_NOEXCEPT{ }
enable_shared_from_this(enable_shared_from_this const &) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { }
enable_shared_from_this & operator=(enable_shared_from_this const &) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return *this; }
~enable_shared_from_this() BOOST_NOEXCEPT { }
shared_ptr<T> shared_from_this() {
shared_ptr<T> p( weak_this_ );
BOOST_ASSERT( p.get() == this );
return p;
shared_ptr<T const> shared_from_this() const{
shared_ptr<T const> p( weak_this_ );
BOOST_ASSERT( p.get() == this );
return p;
weak_ptr<T> weak_from_this() BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return weak_this_; }
weak_ptr<T const> weak_from_this() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return weak_this_; }
public: // actually private, but avoids compiler template friendship issues
// Note: invoked automatically by shared_ptr; do not call
template<class X, class Y> void _internal_accept_owner( shared_ptr<X> const * ppx, Y * py ) const{
if( weak_this_.expired() ){
weak_this_ = shared_ptr<T>( *ppx, py );
mutable weak_ptr<T> weak_this_;
#include <boost/enable_shared_from_this.hpp>
#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
#include <iostream>
class self_shared : public boost::enable_shared_from_this<self_shared>{
self_shared(int n) : x(n) { }
int x;
void print(){
int main(int argc,char * argv[]){
std::shared_ptr<self_shared> sp=std::make_shared<self_shared>(123);
std::shared_ptr<self_shared> p=sp->shared_from_this();
return 0;
self_shared ss;
boost::shared_ptr<self_shared> p=ss.shared_from_this();
Ubuntu下編譯安裝boost庫 http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2013-07/87573.htm
Ubuntu下編譯boost 1.52b http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2013-02/79004.htm
VS2008下直接安裝使用Boost庫1.46.1版本 http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2014-08/105253.htm
Ubuntu編譯安裝boost並在eclipse C/C++中使用 http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2011-04/34790.htm
Boost 的詳細介紹:請點這裡
Boost 的下載地址:請點這裡