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1. Boost庫:它是一個可移植、跨平台,提供源代碼的C++庫,作為標准庫的後備。











3. GLog庫:它是一個應用程序的日志庫,提供基於C++風格的流的日志API,以及各種輔助的宏。它的使用方式與C++的stream操作類似。

4. LevelDB庫:它是google實現的一個非常高效的Key-Value數據庫。它是單進程的服務,性能非常高。它只是一個C/C++編程語言的庫,不包含網絡服務封裝。


5. LMDB庫:它是一個超級快、超級小的Key-Value數據存儲服務,是由OpenLDAP項目的Symas開發的。使用內存映射文件,因此讀取的性能跟內存數據庫一樣,其大小受限於虛擬地址空間的大小。

6.ProtoBuf庫:GoogleProtocol Buffer(簡稱ProtoBuf),它是一種輕便高效的結構化數據存儲格式,可以用於結構化數據串行化,或者說序列化。它很適合做數據存儲或RPC數據交換格式。可用於通信協議、數據存儲等領域的語言無關、平台無關、可擴展的序列化結構數據格式。


7.HDF5庫:HDF(HierarchicalData File)是美國國家高級計算應用中心(NCSA)為了滿足各種領域研究需求而研制的一種能高效存儲和分發科學數據的新型數據格式。它可以存儲不同類型的圖像和數碼數據的文件格式,並且可以在不同類型的機器上傳輸,同時還有統一處理這種文件格式的函數庫。HDF5推出於1998年,相較於以前的HDF文件,可以說是一種全新的文件格式。HDF5是用於存儲科學數據的一種文件格式和庫文件。



8. snappy庫:它是一個C++庫,用來壓縮和解壓縮的開發包。它旨在提供高速壓縮速度和合理的壓縮率。Snappy比zlib更快,但文件相對要大20%到100%。


#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <assert.h>
#include <fstream>

#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/array.hpp>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <levelDB/db.h>
#include <lmdb.h>
#include <hdf5.h>
#include <snappy-c.h>

#include <windows.h>

#include "ml.helloworld.pb.h"

int test_Boost();
int test_GFlags(int argc, char* argv[]);
int test_GLog();
int test_LevelDB();
int test_LMDB();
int test_ProtoBuf();
int test_HDF5();
int test_Snappy();

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
 //std::cout << argv[0] << std::endl;//E:\GitCode\Caffe\lib\dbg\x86_vc12\testThridLibrary[dbg_x86_vc12].exe
 //test_GFlags(argc, argv);

 std::cout << "ok!!!" << std::endl;
 return 0;

class implementation {
 ~implementation() { std::cout << "destroying implementation\n"; }
 void do_something() { std::cout << "did something\n"; }

int test_Boost()
 boost::shared_ptr<implementation> sp1(new implementation());
 std::cout << "The Sample now has " << sp1.use_count() << " references\n";

 boost::shared_ptr<implementation> sp2 = sp1;
 std::cout << "The Sample now has " << sp2.use_count() << " references\n";

 std::cout << "After Reset sp1. The Sample now has " << sp2.use_count() << " references\n";

 std::cout << "After Reset sp2.\n";

 return 0;

DEFINE_bool(big_menu, true, "Include 'advanced' options in the menu listing");
DEFINE_string(languages, "english,french,german", "comma-separated list of languages to offer in the 'lang' menu");

int test_GFlags(int argc, char* argv[])
 int tmp_argc = 3;
 char** tmp_argv = NULL;
 tmp_argv = new char*[3];
 tmp_argv[0] = "";
 tmp_argv[1] = "--big_menu=false";
 tmp_argv[2] = "--languages=chinese";

 //google::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true);
 google::ParseCommandLineFlags(&tmp_argc, &tmp_argv, true);

 std::cout << "argc=" << argc << std::endl;
 if (FLAGS_big_menu) {
  std::cout << "big menu is ture" << std::endl;
 else {
  std::cout << "big menu is flase" << std::endl;

 std::cout << "languages=" << FLAGS_languages << std::endl;

 return 0;

void thread1_test()
 std::string strTmp = "thread1_test";
 for (int i = 0; i< 1000; i++) {
  //LOG(INFO) << i;
  LOG_IF(INFO, i < 10) << i;
  //CHECK_EQ(i, 100) << "error!";
  //LOG(INFO) << strTmp;

void thread2_test()
 std::string strTmp = "thread2_test";
 for (int i = 1000; i< 2000; i++) {
  //LOG(INFO) << i;
  LOG_IF(INFO, i < 1100) << i;
  //LOG(INFO) << strTmp;

int test_GLog()
 const char* exe = "E:/GitCode/Caffe/lib/dbg/x86_vc12/testThridLibrary[dbg_x86_vc12].exe";
 //Initialize Google's logging library.

 google::SetLogDestination(google::INFO, "E:/tmp/loginfo");
 google::SetLogDestination(google::WARNING, "E:/tmp/logwarn");
 google::SetLogDestination(google::GLOG_ERROR, "E:/tmp/logerror");
 FLAGS_logbufsecs = 60;

 FLAGS_max_log_size = 10;

 FLAGS_logtostderr = false;
 boost::thread t1(boost::bind(&thread1_test));
 boost::thread t2(boost::bind(&thread2_test));



 return 0;

int test_LevelDB()
 leveldb::DB* db;
 leveldb::Options options;
 options.create_if_missing = true;
 leveldb::Status status = leveldb::DB::Open(options, "E:/tmp/testLevelDB", &db);

 //write key1,value1
 std::string key = "key";
 std::string value = "value";

 status = db->Put(leveldb::WriteOptions(), key, value);

 status = db->Get(leveldb::ReadOptions(), key, &value);
 std::cout << value << std::endl;
 std::string key2 = "key2";

 //move the value under key to key2
 status = db->Put(leveldb::WriteOptions(), key2, value);
 status = db->Delete(leveldb::WriteOptions(), key);

 status = db->Get(leveldb::ReadOptions(), key2, &value);
 std::cout << key2 << "===" << value << std::endl;
 status = db->Get(leveldb::ReadOptions(), key, &value);
 if (!status.ok())
  std::cerr << key << "  " << status.ToString() << std::endl;
  std::cout << key << "===" << value << std::endl;

 delete db;

 return 0;

#define E(expr) CHECK((rc = (expr)) == MDB_SUCCESS, #expr)
#define RES(err, expr) ((rc = expr) == (err) || (CHECK(!rc, #expr), 0))
#define CHECK(test, msg) ((test) ? (void)0 : ((void)fprintf(stderr, \
 "%s:%d: %s: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, msg, mdb_strerror(rc)), abort()))

int test_LMDB()
 int i = 0, j = 0, rc;
 MDB_env *env;
 MDB_dbi dbi;
 MDB_val key, data;
 MDB_txn *txn;
 MDB_stat mst;
 MDB_cursor *cursor, *cur2;
 MDB_cursor_op op;
 int count;
 int *values;
 char sval[32] = "";


 count = (rand() % 384) + 64;
 values = (int *)malloc(count*sizeof(int));

 for (i = 0; i<count; i++) {
  values[i] = rand() % 1024;

 E(mdb_env_set_maxreaders(env, 1));
 E(mdb_env_set_mapsize(env, 10485760));
 //E(mdb_env_open(env, "./testdb", MDB_FIXEDMAP /*|MDB_NOSYNC*/, 0664));
 E(mdb_env_open(env, "E:/tmp/testLMDB", MDB_FIXEDMAP /*|MDB_NOSYNC*/, 0664));

 E(mdb_txn_begin(env, NULL, 0, &txn));
 E(mdb_dbi_open(txn, NULL, 0, &dbi));

 key.mv_size = sizeof(int);
 key.mv_data = sval;

 printf("Adding %d values\n", count);
 for (i = 0; i<count; i++) {
  sprintf(sval, "%03x %d foo bar", values[i], values[i]);
  /* Set <data> in each iteration, since MDB_NOOVERWRITE may modify it */
  data.mv_size = sizeof(sval);
  data.mv_data = sval;
  if (RES(MDB_KEYEXIST, mdb_put(txn, dbi, &key, &data, MDB_NOOVERWRITE))) {
   data.mv_size = sizeof(sval);
   data.mv_data = sval;
 if (j) printf("%d duplicates skipped\n", j);
 E(mdb_env_stat(env, &mst));

 E(mdb_txn_begin(env, NULL, MDB_RDONLY, &txn));
 E(mdb_cursor_open(txn, dbi, &cursor));
 while ((rc = mdb_cursor_get(cursor, &key, &data, MDB_NEXT)) == 0) {
  printf("key: %p %.*s, data: %p %.*s\n",
   key.mv_data, (int)key.mv_size, (char *)key.mv_data,
   data.mv_data, (int)data.mv_size, (char *)data.mv_data);
 CHECK(rc == MDB_NOTFOUND, "mdb_cursor_get");

 j = 0;
 key.mv_data = sval;
 for (i = count - 1; i > -1; i -= (rand() % 5)) {
  txn = NULL;
  E(mdb_txn_begin(env, NULL, 0, &txn));
  sprintf(sval, "%03x ", values[i]);
  if (RES(MDB_NOTFOUND, mdb_del(txn, dbi, &key, NULL))) {
  else {
 printf("Deleted %d values\n", j);

 E(mdb_env_stat(env, &mst));
 E(mdb_txn_begin(env, NULL, MDB_RDONLY, &txn));
 E(mdb_cursor_open(txn, dbi, &cursor));
 printf("Cursor next\n");
 while ((rc = mdb_cursor_get(cursor, &key, &data, MDB_NEXT)) == 0) {
  printf("key: %.*s, data: %.*s\n",
   (int)key.mv_size, (char *)key.mv_data,
   (int)data.mv_size, (char *)data.mv_data);
 CHECK(rc == MDB_NOTFOUND, "mdb_cursor_get");
 printf("Cursor last\n");
 E(mdb_cursor_get(cursor, &key, &data, MDB_LAST));
 printf("key: %.*s, data: %.*s\n",
  (int)key.mv_size, (char *)key.mv_data,
  (int)data.mv_size, (char *)data.mv_data);
 printf("Cursor prev\n");
 while ((rc = mdb_cursor_get(cursor, &key, &data, MDB_PREV)) == 0) {
  printf("key: %.*s, data: %.*s\n",
   (int)key.mv_size, (char *)key.mv_data,
   (int)data.mv_size, (char *)data.mv_data);
 CHECK(rc == MDB_NOTFOUND, "mdb_cursor_get");
 printf("Cursor last/prev\n");
 E(mdb_cursor_get(cursor, &key, &data, MDB_LAST));
 printf("key: %.*s, data: %.*s\n",
  (int)key.mv_size, (char *)key.mv_data,
  (int)data.mv_size, (char *)data.mv_data);
 E(mdb_cursor_get(cursor, &key, &data, MDB_PREV));
 printf("key: %.*s, data: %.*s\n",
  (int)key.mv_size, (char *)key.mv_data,
  (int)data.mv_size, (char *)data.mv_data);


 printf("Deleting with cursor\n");
 E(mdb_txn_begin(env, NULL, 0, &txn));
 E(mdb_cursor_open(txn, dbi, &cur2));
 for (i = 0; i<50; i++) {
  if (RES(MDB_NOTFOUND, mdb_cursor_get(cur2, &key, &data, MDB_NEXT)))
  printf("key: %p %.*s, data: %p %.*s\n",
   key.mv_data, (int)key.mv_size, (char *)key.mv_data,
   data.mv_data, (int)data.mv_size, (char *)data.mv_data);
  E(mdb_del(txn, dbi, &key, NULL));

 printf("Restarting cursor in txn\n");
 for (op = MDB_FIRST, i = 0; i <= 32; op = MDB_NEXT, i++) {
  if (RES(MDB_NOTFOUND, mdb_cursor_get(cur2, &key, &data, op)))
  printf("key: %p %.*s, data: %p %.*s\n",
   key.mv_data, (int)key.mv_size, (char *)key.mv_data,
   data.mv_data, (int)data.mv_size, (char *)data.mv_data);

 printf("Restarting cursor outside txn\n");
 E(mdb_txn_begin(env, NULL, 0, &txn));
 E(mdb_cursor_open(txn, dbi, &cursor));
 for (op = MDB_FIRST, i = 0; i <= 32; op = MDB_NEXT, i++) {
  if (RES(MDB_NOTFOUND, mdb_cursor_get(cursor, &key, &data, op)))
  printf("key: %p %.*s, data: %p %.*s\n",
   key.mv_data, (int)key.mv_size, (char *)key.mv_data,
   data.mv_data, (int)data.mv_size, (char *)data.mv_data);

 mdb_dbi_close(env, dbi);

 return 0;

void ListMsg(const lm::helloworld& msg) {
 std::cout << msg.id() << std::endl;
 std::cout << msg.str() << std::endl;

int test_ProtoBuf()
 // 1-->首先編寫一個ml.helloworld.proto文件,內容如下:
 syntax = "proto2";
 package lm;

 message helloworld
  required int32    id = 1;  // ID
  required string    str = 2;  // str
  optional int32    opt = 3;  //optional field

 // 2-->利用protoc.exe生成ml.helloworld.pb.h和ml.hellowrold.ph.cc

 // 3-->Writer,將把一個結構化數據寫入磁盤,以便其他人來讀取
 /*lm::helloworld msg1;

 // Write the new address book back to disk.
 std::fstream output("./log", std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc | std::ios::binary);
 if (!msg1.SerializeToOstream(&output)) {
  std::cerr << "Failed to write msg." << std::endl;
  return -1;

 // 4-->Reader,讀取結構化數據,log文件
 lm::helloworld msg2;
 std::fstream input("./log", std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
 if (!msg2.ParseFromIstream(&input)) {
  std::cerr << "Failed to parse address book." << std::endl;
  return -1;


 return 0;

#define H5FILE_NAME  "E:/tmp/HDF5/SDS.h5"
#define DATASETNAME  "IntArray"
#define NX   5 /* dataset dimensions */
#define NY   6
#define RANK   2

int test_HDF5_write_HDF5_Data()
 hid_t      file, dataset;        /* file and dataset handles */
 hid_t      datatype, dataspace;  /* handles */
 hsize_t    dimsf[2];              /* dataset dimensions */
 herr_t      status;
 int        data[NX][NY];          /* data to write */
 int        i, j;

 //Data  and output buffer initialization.
 for (j = 0; j < NX; j++)
  for (i = 0; i < NY; i++)
   data[j][i] = i + j + 100;//changed
 * 0 1 2 3 4 5
 * 1 2 3 4 5 6
 * 2 3 4 5 6 7
 * 3 4 5 6 7 8
 * 4 5 6 7 8 9

 * Create a new file using H5F_ACC_TRUNC access,
 * default file creation properties, and default file
 * access properties.

 * Describe the size of the array and create the data space for fixed
 * size dataset.
 dimsf[0] = NX;
 dimsf[1] = NY;
 dataspace = H5Screate_simple(RANK, dimsf, NULL);

 * Define datatype for the data in the file.
 * We will store little endian INT numbers.
 datatype = H5Tcopy(H5T_NATIVE_INT);
 status = H5Tset_order(datatype, H5T_ORDER_LE);

 * Create a new dataset within the file using defined dataspace and
 * datatype and default dataset creation properties.
 dataset = H5Dcreate2(file, DATASETNAME, datatype, dataspace, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);

 //Write the data to the dataset using default transfer properties.
 status = H5Dwrite(dataset, H5T_NATIVE_INT, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, data);

 //Close/release resources.

 return 0;

#define NX_SUB   3 /* hyperslab dimensions */
#define NY_SUB   4
#define NX   7 /* output buffer dimensions */
#define NY   7
#define NZ   3
#define RANK   2
#define RANK_OUT  3

int test_HDF5_read_HDF5_data()
 hid_t      file, dataset;        /* handles */
 hid_t      datatype, dataspace;
 hid_t      memspace;
 H5T_class_t t_class;                /* data type class */
 H5T_order_t order;                /* data order */
 size_t      size;                  /*
        * size of the data element
        * stored in file
 hsize_t    dimsm[3];              /* memory space dimensions */
 hsize_t    dims_out[2];          /* dataset dimensions */
 herr_t      status;

 int        data_out[NX][NY][NZ]; /* output buffer */

 hsize_t      count[2];              /* size of the hyperslab in the file */
 hsize_t      offset[2];            /* hyperslab offset in the file */
 hsize_t      count_out[3];          /* size of the hyperslab in memory */
 hsize_t      offset_out[3];        /* hyperslab offset in memory */
 int          i, j, k, status_n, rank;

 for (j = 0; j < NX; j++) {
  for (i = 0; i < NY; i++) {
   for (k = 0; k < NZ; k++)
    data_out[j][i][k] = 0 - 1000;//changed

 * Open the file and the dataset.
 dataset = H5Dopen2(file, DATASETNAME, H5P_DEFAULT);

 * Get datatype and dataspace handles and then query
 * dataset class, order, size, rank and dimensions.
 datatype = H5Dget_type(dataset);    /* datatype handle */
 t_class = H5Tget_class(datatype);
 if (t_class == H5T_INTEGER) printf("Data set has INTEGER type \n");
 order = H5Tget_order(datatype);
 if (order == H5T_ORDER_LE) printf("Little endian order \n");

 size = H5Tget_size(datatype);
 printf("Data size is %d \n", (int)size);

 dataspace = H5Dget_space(dataset);    /* dataspace handle */
 rank = H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims(dataspace);
 status_n = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(dataspace, dims_out, NULL);
 printf("rank %d, dimensions %lu x %lu \n", rank,
  (unsigned long)(dims_out[0]), (unsigned long)(dims_out[1]));

 * Define hyperslab in the dataset.
 offset[0] = 1;
 offset[1] = 2;
 count[0] = NX_SUB;
 count[1] = NY_SUB;
 status = H5Sselect_hyperslab(dataspace, H5S_SELECT_SET, offset, NULL,
  count, NULL);

 * Define the memory dataspace.
 dimsm[0] = NX;
 dimsm[1] = NY;
 dimsm[2] = NZ;
 memspace = H5Screate_simple(RANK_OUT, dimsm, NULL);

 * Define memory hyperslab.
 offset_out[0] = 3;
 offset_out[1] = 0;
 offset_out[2] = 0;
 count_out[0] = NX_SUB;
 count_out[1] = NY_SUB;
 count_out[2] = 1;
 status = H5Sselect_hyperslab(memspace, H5S_SELECT_SET, offset_out, NULL,
  count_out, NULL);

 * Read data from hyperslab in the file into the hyperslab in
 * memory and display.
 status = H5Dread(dataset, H5T_NATIVE_INT, memspace, dataspace,
  H5P_DEFAULT, data_out);
 for (j = 0; j < NX; j++) {
  for (i = 0; i < NY; i++) printf("%d ", data_out[j][i][0]);
 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 * 3 4 5 6 0 0 0
 * 4 5 6 7 0 0 0
 * 5 6 7 8 0 0 0
 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

 * Close/release resources.

 return 0;

int test_HDF5()
 // 1-->./examples/h5_write.c:This example writes data to the HDF5 file
 // 2-->./examples/h5_read.c:This example reads hyperslab from the SDS.h5 file

 return 0;

int test_Snappy()

 char* filename = "E:/tmp/snappy/fireworks.jpeg";
 size_t input_length = 200;
 snappy_status status;
 size_t output_length = snappy_max_compressed_length(input_length);
 char* output = (char*)malloc(output_length);
 status = snappy_compress(filename, input_length, output, &output_length);
 if (status != SNAPPY_OK) {
  std::cout << "snappy compress fail!" << std::endl;

 size_t output_length1;
 snappy_status status1;
 status1 = snappy_uncompressed_length(filename, input_length, &output_length1);
 if (status != SNAPPY_OK) {
  std::cout << "get snappy uncompress length fail!" << std::endl;
 char* output1 = (char*)malloc(output_length1);
 status1 = snappy_uncompress(filename, input_length, output1, &output_length1);
 if (status != SNAPPY_OK) {
  std::cout << "snappy uncompress fail!" << std::endl;

 return 0;

Caffe + Ubuntu 14.04 64bit + CUDA 6.5 配置說明  http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2015-04/116444.htm

Caffe在Ubuntu 14.04 64bit 下的安裝  http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2015-07/120449.htm

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